乳儿: nursing infant; suckling乳臭未干: smell of the baby; be at an ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...小子: boy; young people; younger g ...乳臭未干的小子: suckling乳臭未干的小孩: brat乳臭未干的: sucking什么是乳臭未干的小子,他有什么特质: for what is a brat, what has he got无经验的, 乳臭未干的: not dry behind the ears无须的, 乳臭未干的: beardless乳臭未干: smell of the baby; be at an age when one smells still of one's mother's milk; be hardly dry behind the ears yet; be just a babe in the woods; be young and inexperienced like a sucking child; one's mouth is full of pap.; scarcely out of the shell yet; unfledged乳臭未干, 稚气: smell of the baby少不更事的, 初出茅庐的, 乳臭未干的: wet behind the ears乳臭未干,胎发犹存: There is still the smell of milk on your lips,you have your newborn hair still on your head!still have milk teeth and childhood tufts of hair.乳臭未干胎发犹存: still have milk teeth and childhood tufts of hair乳臭未乾: born yesterday没礼貌的小鬼,乳臭小子: brat未干的: unseasoned漆未干的: tacky尚未干的: tacky 1未干的,未硬化的: uncured新来的小子: new kid in town会发电的小子: mr north未干: the wet paint一支精干的小分队: a small detachment of picked troops keen witted and capable